CD - The City Diner
CD stands for The City Diner
Here you will find, what does CD stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate The City Diner? The City Diner can be abbreviated as CD What does CD stand for? CD stands for The City Diner. What does The City Diner mean?The United States based company is located in Oxfordshire, Virginia engaged in hospitality industry.
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Alternative definitions of CD
- Central District
- C D description
- Collision Detection
- Certificates of Deposit
- Compact Disc
- Compact Disc
- Compact Disc
- Celine Dion
View 394 other definitions of CD on the main acronym page
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- CCCC Central Christian Child Care
- CPC Crossroads Pregnancy Center
- CIN The Collective Impact Network
- CPHS Cayman Prep and High School
- CMA Chicago Media Angels
- CCS Cambridge Counselling Service
- CNC Cimarron Nursing Center
- CS The Cocoon Shelter
- CGL Crunch Gyms Ltd
- CDD Custom Drapery Designs
- CWS Coastal Web Services
- CDW The Club at Dunes West
- CT The City Tailors
- CBC The Columns Banquet Center
- CH City of Hewitt
- CMMA California Medical Marijuana Association